Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Honey Grill Lamb Chop


It is been long time since i created my own recipe, of course with the helps of few extra ingredient example like the steak powder but the rest i think of it myself and a guide from previous recipe I made. So this is what i came up with, a taste is almost similar with the Tesco style selling at the market

4 Lamb Chop
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
2 tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Black Pepper Sauce
2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Dried Oregano leaves
1 tsp Dried Rosemary leaves
2 tsp Steak seasoning powder(optional)
1 tsp Dried Mix herd (optional)
pinch of salt and pepper

1.Marinate it all together in bowl and remember to massage the lamb to get the muscle soak with all the marinade sauce. Keep in fridge for 6 hours
2. There are 2 ways of cooking it, either grill it in a hot pan until the meat is tender about 10-15mins
( or oven for 20-25min for 180'C)


  1. wow, this is nice. have you tried the one at kampung jawa? they have grill lamb and bbq crab. nice.

  2. Hi uncle johnnie.

    thanks. no i haven't tried the kampung jawa's. Give me the address ^^ i go check it out
